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The picture of perfection must be revised. Allow for our imperfections, welcome them....

Writer's picture: Julie StansfieldJulie Stansfield

I love this quote by British-born poet Denise Levertov. And it got me thinking about perfection.

Perfection.....the state of being complete and correct in every way.  Well that sounds like a big ask, striving for the impossible perhaps?

Do you chase perfection on your yoga mat, in your relationships, in your work, in your life? I think it’s safe to say, we all do to some extent. But – in search of perfection, we invite in a sense of suffering, unease, disillusionment, the belief of not being enough, misery.  Doesn’t sound ideal, does it?!

When we chase excellence in our lives, in our actions, in our words, we are in danger of losing ourselves and giving our power away to the external, to that which is beyond our control. Sometimes it doesn’t matter how “hard” we try, we still make mistakes, we still have regrets, we “fail”.

Can you accept circumstances as they are, regardless of how “imperfect” you may judge them to be? Regardless how uncomfortable unfolding situations, conversations, body sensations are? 

When considering your yoga practice, have you been guilty of wanting to perfect that illusive pose. I know I have! “I’ll be a real yogi when I do it.” “ I’ll feel so good.”  “I’ll be happy and accomplished.”  But you see Yoga isn’t a doing, or about getting it right. Yoga does not mean acting perfect. Yoga means oneness – everything is perfect just as it is. 

Anyway, well perfect your latest goal! The feeling of achievement and satisfaction lasts for a little while, then what? What are you going to perfect next?

Surprise, surprise....Life is not always perfect...and don’t we know it! Wouldn’t it be better to accept today as it is, seeing it as perfect in this moment, in all its beauty, messiness and chaos.  Seeing the real, perfect nature of things, of us. Being and feeling peace. Being and feeling whole.  Being Yoga.

Keep showing up on your mat, doing your practice – seeing and feeling perfect within your imperfection.


And here's another quote I recently came across

"Is there a difference between happiness and inner peace? Yes. Happiness depends on conditions being perceived as positive, inner peace does not."  ~ Eckhart Tolle

Hmmm, yes to inner peace....


Julie x


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